To support transparency for parents, families and communities, a daily summary of COVID-19 activity associated with licensed child care programs is posted online beginning September 11, 2020. This daily summary will be found as part of the government’s open data catalogue and can be viewed at the following link:
Link to COVID-19 Activity in Child Care Centres
The information that will be posted includes the following:
- Number of child care centres and home child care premises with at least one confirmed case of COVID-19;
- Number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in children;
- Number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in staff or home child care providers;
- Total number of closed child care centres; and,
- Total number of closed home child care premises.
For any COVID-19-related questions regarding to testing and exclusion, please contact York Region Public Health at: 1-800-361-5653 ext. 73588 (office hours) or 905-953-6478 (after hours)