If the child/staff has any ONE of the symptoms listed, do not go to child-care
• The child/staff should isolate (stay home) and not leave except to get tested or for a medical emergency
• All members of the household should stay home (this means not attending any school or daycare setting) and only leave the home for essential reasons
• Book an appointment to get the child/staff a COVID-19 test:
• If the result is negative, the child/staff and household members can return to normal activities (including childcare) as long as they do not have a fever and symptoms are improving for at least 24 hours
• If the result is positive, the child/staff who is COVID-19 positive must isolate for 10 days after symptoms first started AND household members must self-isolate as directed by Public Health; contact your school/child-care provider to let them know about this result
• If you do not get tested for COVID-19, the child/staff that is symptomatic but not tested should isolate for 10 days after symptoms first started AND household members should isolate for 14 days from their last exposure to the symptomatic household contact